Monday 6 January 2014


What a beautiful day!
What a nice atmosphere!

Owh! It's a nice memory!

Those girls are so cute!

(Hey, what's up with that "!" ???)
*over excited, dear....

 Okey... I know that you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you...

Let me start telling you the story...
It's all about the day... where we gather together by doing some activities together for yesterday (15/9/2013 - Sunday)

Those girl that involved on that day are:
1. Nabihah
2. Umairah
3. Fathien
4. Aisyah
5. Liyana
6. Ezzreen
7. Siti

So, let me start!


15/9/2013 - Sunday

I was alone in my room... C002...
It's already 6.00 am...
As usual, I done my daily routine...
(No need to tells you about it.. Haha)

Our plan for that day is to go for a jogging at MICET in the morning...
Actually we need to gather on 7 o'clock at Block C...
But, we start the program on 7.30 am... Huhu...

What ever it is the program still running.... (Even if it's a little late from what we have been planed..)

For this jogging program, only Siti didn't join it.. because all of us forget to tells her... Sorry dear.. We didn't mean to.. Huhu...
So, to cover our mistakes... i told Siti, the program are for the girls at Block C... Hehe

The, all of us went to the 'Surau'...
We warm up at there...
Nabihah became our coach... haha...

Then, we all walked together from MICET up to the main road....
At first, we planed to breakfast at a stall outside MICET...
Unfortunately,  the stall didn't open on that morning....
So, we had to go back to MICET... and had our breakfast at the cafe...

Enough typing.. Here some picture!

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Kawan2ku ^.~